Dear Parents,

Returning to school is an important step amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, and will be a little different from what you are accustomed to. The following information will help you to support your child's return to school and ensure their safety.


Covid-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. Formerly, this disease was referred to as 2019 Novel Cornavirus or 2019-nCoV. It is linked to the same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common cold.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

Symptoms can include fever, cough and shortness of breath. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia or breathing difficulties. More rarely, the disease can be fatal.

How does COVID-19 spread?

The virus is transmitted through:

  1. Direct contact with an ifected person (shaking hands)
  2. The respiratory droplets of an ifected person (generated through coughing and sneezing)
  3. Touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching their face (e.g., eyes, nose,mouth)

Source: WHO website:

Students should follow the regulations given below in order to prevent the spread of the disease

❖ When coming to school

▪ Wear a mask

▪ Avoid attending school if you have symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, and seek medical advice immediately.

  • Maintain the recommended physical distance if travelling by public transport and wash hands thoroughly.

❖ At the entrance

▪ Facilities are provided for washing hands and testing body temperature, and students are advised to maintain physical distance and avoid crowding at the entrance. If the body temperature is above 38 C, the student will be isolated.

❖ In the classroom

▪ There will be 20-22 desks and chairs in each classroom in order to maintain physical distance of 1m. Students should use their own desks and chairs and should not change places for any reason.

▪ Students should bring their own textbooks and stationery, and sharing should be avoided.

▪ Avoid bring unessential items to school.

▪ Students should bring their own food and drink as the canteen will not be open during the interval. Food should be nutritious and balanced, and sharing of food or utensils is not allowed. Drinking water from the taps directly using hands is prohibited.

▪ Students should wear masks and are advised to have personal hand sanitizers. Students can remove their masks only inside their classrooms if they choose to.

▪ Students should use tissues when sneezing or coughing and dispose the tissues immediately in a covered garbage bin.

▪ Assemblies, functions and club/society meetings will not be held until further notice. Prayers will be held in each classroom at the start of school day.

▪ Students are prohibited from leaving class and gathering in groups unnecessarily. Whenever students need to go out of class, it is essential to maintain the required physical distance.

▪ Avoid touching surfaces such as walls, staircases, other chairs and desks. Frequent touching of eyes, nose and mouth should also be avoided.

▪ Students should always wash hands,

  • ➢ when entering school

  • ➢ after sneezing or coughing

  • ➢ after touching common surfaces that are used by others
  • ➢ after using public transport
  • ➢ after touching door handles, staircase rails and switches
  • ➢ after using the washroom
  • ➢ before and after meals
  • ➢ as soon as they return home

❖ If a student gets sick during school hours

▪ She will be sent to the sick room and isolated.

▪ Parents will be notified according to the gravity of the illness

❖ When students return home

▪ Wash both hands thoroughly and have a bath before entering or immediately after entering.

▪ Remove shoes and dry/air them outside in the sun.

▪ Wash and dry clothes.

▪ It is advisable to avoid wearing wrist watches. If worn, wipe with disinfectant.

▪ Dry and disinfect school bag and other materials by wiping with disinfectant