The Principal’s Report - 2023 

The Chairperson, Mrs. Christina Sutharshini Ekanayake, Our Chief Guest, Dr.(Mrs.) Catherine Dushyanthy Sudarshan, Our Chaplain, the Rev. S. Stephen Jebachelvan, The members of the Clergy, Heads of neighbouring schools, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and gentlemen,

 It is a pleasant privilege to render a cordial and warm welcome to you to our Annual Prize day.

 First and foremost, on behalf of the college, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Dr. (Mrs.) Dushyanthi Sutharshan, for accepting our invitation and travelling many miles to be with is today. We feel really honoured.

 Dr. (Mrs.) Catherine Dushyanthy Sudarshan (nee Pararajasingham) is a distinguished old girl of this college, who is residing in the U.K. After obtaining her B.M degree from the University of Southampton, U.K, in 1991, she acquired her FRCS from England as well as Edinburgh in October 1995. Subsequently in October 2004, she got through the specialist examination conducted by the Royal College of Surgeons of England that is mandatory to practice as a Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon in the U.K. She is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Edinburgh as well as a member of the international society for heart and lung transplantation. She is specially interested in the areas connected to cardiothoracic surgery and transplantation. Her research interests are in the optimisation of multi organ donors, optimal preservation & reconditioning of cardiothoracic organs retrieved for transplantation and trans catheter aortic valve implantation.

 Madam, after obtaining your first medical degree you served in the capacity of House officer in 1992 and Senior House officer from 1993 - 1996 in various hospitals. You served as registrar from 1997 - 2006. From 2006 to 2020, you functioned as consultant cardiothoracic Surgery & transplantation in different hospitals until your retirement.  

You have published 32 books besides having revised chapters of certain books and writing a new book of multiple choice questions.  You have also reviewed papers for journals on heart lung transplantation. There are also certain unpublished works of yours awaiting publication. You have presented 24 papers at various international conferences connected to your study and research area from 1996 to 2006. One of your abstracts had been nominated for the Belzier award along with seven others at the annual meeting of the international society of organ sharing at Maastricht in April 1999.

Teaching had always been a vital component of your professional life. You taught medical students, nurses and para clinic groups at various points of your career. You have been the clinical supervisor for the transplant surgical fellows for 8 years when you were clinical lead for organ donation at the Papworth hospitals, NHS foundation trust. Besides, you have been education supervisor and ran the teacher rota for periods spanning for 5 years.  Your passion for teaching, endeavoured you to complete your Masters in Medical Education at the University of Bedfordshire in November, 2013.

Very often you had been invited to speak at national and international meetings on topics pertaining to your research area. You have also often addressed, medical students and junior doctors with the view of sharing your experience of being an Asian left handed woman in the field of cardiothoracic surgery and transplantation. You have been a part of the cardiothoracic faculty for organ retrieval master class held by the National health service blood & transplants. In February, 2019, you were invited to such a class where you conducted a webcast seminar and training on cardiothoracic organ retrieval.

 You have been involved in teaching and monitoring senior surgeons in South Asia with regard to organ donation, retrieval and transplantation. You have also conducted a wet lab in Kerala where both animal trunks and human cadavers were used to demonstrate heart retrieval and transplantation and heart lung retrieval and transplantation, which had been a great success with excellent feedback. We also understand, the you had also supported a team in Cochin to perform their first heart lung transplant in Kerala in January, 2017.  

 Madam to put it in a nutshell, you have played active roles in the DCD heart transplant and organ donation programmes besides being a surgical lead, primary investigator for the V-710 study, site investigator, Co- investigator, Chief investigative in the EVLP programme  and the develop study.

 Special mention should be made, that you were one of the nine doctors who were sent to Sri Lanka soon after the Tsunami disaster in December, 2004. Apart from being one of the members of the resuscitation team treating surgical emergencies & conducting clinics, you were involved in screening inhabitants in 12 refugee camps and forming a database. You also helped in writing out and translating proposals for funding from international aid agencies at that crucial moment.

 Further, it is remarkable, that beside spending most of your time on research, management and administrative activities, yet you have been able to find the time to pursue your general interests. We understand that you are interested in music, both western and eastern, especially western classical music and you are able to play nine instruments. You have performed in Christian musical programmes as a solo singer as well as in a group. You have also conducted church choirs. It is unbelievable, that you also find the time to enjoy reading, tapestry, knitting, dress making and needle work amidst your tight schedule. It is praiseworthy, that you had your Bharatha dance arangetram at the tender age of ten.

 Dr. (Mrs.) Dushyanthy Sudarshan is married to Dr. Sathianathan Sutharshan, who is at present attached to the University of Cambridge.

 We are honoured to have, such an eminent and versatile person as our chief guest at the most important function of our college, our annual prize day.

 To our Chaplain, Rev. S. Stephen Jebachelvan and to our Manager, Mrs. Sutharshini Ekanayake, we are thankful to both of you, for readily giving us your time and energy.

 We also extend our thanks to the Archdeacon, the Ven. S. D. P. Selvan, department officials, our emeritus principal, Mrs. T. Rajaratnam, members of the clergy, heads of other schools and special invitees for honouring our invitation and being present here.

We are happy to have with us on the stage, the Presidents of the Past Pupils’ Associations of Jaffna & the Colombo branch, Mrs. K. Kumaran and Mrs. M. N. Hariharan respectively. We welcome you both and the members of your associations to this function of ours.

 To you, our dear parents, we are greatly encouraged by your kind presence. Thank you for being present with us today.



Bishop of Kurunegala

The Rt. Rev. Nishantha Fernando was installed as the 7th bishop of Kurunegala early this year. We avail of this opportunity to wish him every success in his ministry. We thank the outgoing Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Keerthisri Fernando, for his spiritual and inspiring leadership. We wish him and his wife a long and peaceful retired life.

Chairman, Governing body for C.M.S Schools

Mr. Jayendran Setukavalar has been appointed as the Chairman, Governing Body for C.M.S schools, with effect from 23rd June, 2023. As former chief financial officer of A Baurs & co., he brings with him a wealth of knowledge and expertise in financial planning and management. We congratulate him on his appointment and wish him all success in his new office.  We extend our sincere thanks to Mrs. M. N. T. Peiris, who has completed her term of office as the Chairperson of the C. M. S Governing body, for her guidance and wise counsel. May God shower her with His joy and blessings.

 Beyond the veil

Mrs. Wijithi Karunananthan

We were very much saddened by the demise of Mrs. Wijithi Karunananthan, who had been closely associated with the college for many years as a student, teacher and past pupil. She was a teacher of Home Economics at our college till she got married and shifted to Colombo. She joined Saiva Mangayar Kazhaham as a teacher and through her hard work and commitment rose up to the position of Vice Principal. She had been an active member of the Past Pupils’ Association, Colombo branch. We extend our heartfelt condolences to her family members.


Mrs. Jeyaranee Shanmuganathan

The news of her demise came as a shock to us on 29th June 2023. 

Mrs. Jeyaranee Shanmuganathan has had a long association with the college for over 30 years as a teacher and a sectional head. Though not an old girl, she was well acquainted with the traditions of the college. Inspite of being a strict disciplinarian, she was loved and respected by the students for her genuine interest in their welfare. Even after her retirement in 2017, she had been rendering her services to us, as one of the editors of the college magazine. We at Chundikuli, will always remember her with love and gratitude.  

 The period under review from 15th October 2022 to date, though short, has been eventful with life at college returning to normalcy.



The current number on roll is 1719, with the break up being,

 Primary School Grs. 1 – 5: 485

Middle School Grs. 6 – 8: 423

Upper School Grs. 9 – 11: 423

Advanced Level classes: 388


New admissions 2023

Grade 1: 99

Grade 6: 50

Other Classes: 19

Total: 168


Tutorial Staff

There are 77 members on the permanent tutorial staff and 15 on the temporary tutorial staff

Masters degree holders                        – 09

Post graduate diploma holders           – 28

Graduates                                                –  29

Trained teachers                                     –  19

With A/L & other qualifications          –  07



Ms. Thayalini Ganeshalingam, who faithfully served the college for 35 years, retired on 16th June, 2023.

In her quiet and unassuming manner, she has been contributing much to the life of the college.

We thank her sincerely, for her loyalty to her Alma Mater.


The following have joined the staff during the period under review.

Mrs. M. Sribranavaruban      - B.Sc.  - Mathematics

Mr. S. Kabilraj                         - BBM   - Economics

Mrs. R. Thivasen                   - B.Sc.    - Science

Mrs. T. Mirushanth               - B.A.      - Hindu Civilization

Miss K. Shanmuganathan       - Librarian

 We wish them a pleasant stay at Chundikuli.


Examination Success:

Our heartiest congratulations to the following teachers for their success at the respective examinations.

 Mrs. S. Mathisegaram      - Teacher training (Primary)

Ms. K. P. Vijayaratnam    - Teacher training (Phy. Ed)

Mrs. P. Donald Regan     - Teacher training (Primary)

Mrs. T. Umayavel           - Post Graduate diploma in Education


Professional development

On Study Leave

Mrs. M. Prabaharan is following a Post graduate diploma course at the University of Jaffna.

 The following teachers are attending part time professional courses.

Mrs. V. Ravirajan, M. Phil in Ed., University of Jaffna

Mrs. A. Jaturshan, M.B.A, University of Jaffna

Mrs. K. Gnanakaran, M. Ed, University of Sabaragamuva

Mrs. T. Arivalazhan, P.G.D.E, University of Jaffna

Mr. S. Prashanth, P.G.D.E, University of Jaffna

Mrs. N. Rajeeban, P.G.D.E, National Institute of Education

Mrs. S. Arisanan, P.G.D.E, National Institute of Education

Mrs. T. Sinthuja, P.G.D.E, National Institute of Education

Mr. M. Vijendran, P.G.D.E, National Institute of Education

Mr. M. Shanmugarajah, P.G.D.E, National Institute of Education

Mrs. N. Roshanthan, P.G.D.E, National Institute of Education

Ms. A. Chandrasegaram, B.A, University of Jaffna

Mrs. S. Krishanthan, B.A, Open University of Sri Lanka

Mrs. D. Jason, B. Ed, Lincoln University of Malaysia

 Non tutorial staff

The strength of the non tutorial staff is 26 with the break up being,

Office staff  – 08

Hostel & laboratory staff  – 09

Library staff – 02

Maintenance staff  – 07

 Please click here for full report.