I send my greetings to all daughters of Chundikuli who are bravely working for their country as teachers, doctors, mothers, church workers and all noble professions. I rejoice in the new life and thought and power that is opening before our girls today, and hope that the younger generation will derive inspiration from their older sisters and strive towards new heights of woman-hood by choosing the highway for their path.

Dr (Miss) Evangeline Mutthamma Thillayampalam, Principal 1941 - 1950

Dr (Miss) Evangeline Mutthamma Thillayampalam, Principal 1941 - 1950

To you, present girls, I send my greetings and urge you to go fearlessly along the paths of knowledge that will lead you to freedom. You must aim at an education that will widen your horizon and extend your rights and opportunities and spheres of activities. Do not, however, forget that we have responsibilities as well as rights. In your endeavour to assert your rights as human beings, do not forget your responsibilities in building up the nation. Lanka’s welfare and happiness depend on you. In order to succeed in your endeavour as nation builders you need a sound education that will acquaint you with the fundamental causes of existing condition and enable you to work out the right principles of social reconstruction and advancement. The forces which retard human progress are poverty, ignorance and class rivalry. These are the foes that must be conquered before our Island can liberated and enlightened.

I hope a new Lanka will rise through you to take her place among the nations of the world. May all the Chundikuli girls hold fast to their high ideals of Christian character and service. May they go from strength to strength until they have fulfilled their mission as builders of a new Lanka.

May the achievements of Chundikuli in the first 50 years, be a challenge to you to attempt great things and achieve great things. Let us be worthy of the faith, courage and devotion of those who gave Chundikuli its life and spirit and its promise for the future.

Be worthy of Chundikuli’s past. Be worthy of the opportunities of the future. This college of our dreams is based on faith, hope and love. Let us do our part to make these dreams come true.

Wishing you everything good and beautiful in your noble struggle upwards.

Yours for the best that Chundikuli can be,

Dr. E M. Thillayampalam